When I became a test pilot of my father

When I became a test pilot of my father

When I became a test pilot of my father, I’m started to manipulate the Drones and the PX4. My opinion is the Open-Source Hardware flight controllers and commercial controllers are different market. For normal users and the simple missions, the first choose is a commercial flight controller. For advanced users and the professional missions, the choosing is one Open-Source Hardware flight controller, even these advanced users have started with a commercial controller, will quickly switch to an Open-Source Hardware controller. The Open-Source Hardware flight controllers has a great market and potential, and what define whether this market is active or not will be the customizations services.

Meet again in Sao Paulo

Meet again in Sao Paulo

In the year 2008, the couple of Yanjun Zhang and Linjie Xiao saw the documentary film Raízes de Blumenau when taking documentary film Cultural Charm in Blumenau-SC, which is a documentary film reflecting the German who started their families in Brazil. Due to their interest in this film and its subject, the couple of Yanjun Zhang and Linjie Xiao began to contact the author, the couple of Alessandro Mafra and Jacqueline Bürger. They have been in contact through E-mail. In January, 2013, the two families agreed to meet for the first time in Blumenau-SC. In April, they agreed to meet again in Sao Paulo.

Yanjun Zhang: Directer’s interpretation

Yanjun Zhang: Directer’s interpretation

During the long period of ten years, we had a “journey” through territory, culture and psychology in Brazil. We came to Brazil for taking pictures in Amazon River. Followed with unexpected things, the dream of Amazon turned into planning and starting the Carnival of China Theme in Sao Paul and then stepping on long journey of “gold washers”. Beginning from the legendary Iguape River, we went across Vale basin and arrived at the largest swampland, Pantanal. In our journey, we experienced the births of our two kids. This is a personal experience, which cannot be described as vigorous, but having countless heart quake.