As a case study, culture comparison and new imaging method trail, the film is designed to demonstrate the power of culture with “emotional imaging”.

In 1999, a Chinese couple full of ambitions came to Brazil with their fantasy “Amazon Photography Program” and top-level professional photographic equipment. They were encountered with so many difficulties, such as a strange environment, language barrier, repeated robberies and traps, etc. However, they still embarked on an unforeseen photography journey without hesitation, from coastal cities to the wild west, and finally to the Amazon River, with adequate capital reserves and a rich professional history.

Poemas de Amor do Brasil

The documentary film Encantos da Cultura – Poemas de Amor do Brasil with the topic of legendary culture exploration journey of Yanjun Zhang and his wife, as well as their two children later, in Brazil, and the subject of native culture, discusses the social realities of Brazil and describes the cultural strengthfrom the unique perspective of racial cultures integration. The film perceptually records the multiple and complex cultural phenomena of Brazilian ethnography and presents the racial cultures such as Fandango, coffee, Samba and football which deeply influence Brazil, and the beautiful natural landscapes and mysterious animal paradise of South America.

Chá e a imigração brasileiros

Estudiosos acham que, a Europa se interessou pelos chineses por causa do seu espírito de vender ‘Coolie’. No Brasil, os trabalhadores chineses substituíram os escravos africanos, transformando a escravidão em um regime de trabalhador livre. Em um artigo publicado pela USP descreveu os pensamentos dos imigrantes chineses na época: Yi Jin Huan Xiang (衣棉还乡, retorno à terra natal com trajes de seda, de muita riqueza e glória); Guang Zong Yao Zu (光纵耀组, honrar familiares e antepassados pelo retorno com muita riquza); Luo Ye Gui Gen (落叶归根, pessoas voltam à sua terra natal, como as folhas caem ao pé do árvore). Parte desses imigrantes permaneceram no Brasil, tendo que Luo Di Sheng Gen (落地生根, as pessoas fixam-se no lugar como se fossem sementes que caem na terra, criam raízes e fixam-se nessa terra com uma vida nova), e a política chinesa de não proteger e priorizar os imigrantes fez com que a cultura chinesa fosse gradualmente desaparecida no Ocidente.

The visit to the southwest mountainous areas last 6 months, during the period of which the factual living and cultural conditions such as the dressing of local nationalities, housing, legends, customs of wedding and funeral, and religious rituals, etc. are recorded in a detailed manner. In addition, 3000 thousands of photos and a video of 120 hours in length were taken and made concerning such information of Gewei Festival, Drum ritual of sacrifice, local customs of expelling evil spirits and dispelling diseases, God-worship at harvest time, loud singing of Pinggou, singing-to-our -content of Dong Nationality and so on.

Privileged Land of Mystery

In the isolated Southwestern Mountain area, there lives a minority named “Zhuang”, for which “God” is the only spiritual sustenance. Since the people believe that the “witch” can communicate with God on behalf of them through some kind of “ceremony”, they regard the witch as their “spiritual leader”. One day, it turns out that all the mountains here are made from ore. As a result, the roads are built, and a large-scale mining begins. Faced with the inrush of outside civilization, the people have many confusions but can only turn to the “witch” for help. The film is edited from the image records made by Zhang Yanjun when he traveled in Southwestern Mountain in 2005. For the first time, the mystery and heritage of the people living in the Southwestern Mountain area are exposed to the world.

Com duração de 120 minutos, gênero ficção e formato de finalização DCP.

A Travessia

Baseado no documentário homônimo do fotógrafo chinês Yanjun Zhang, o filme descreve o seu processo de filmagem na região do Pantanal há 20 anos atrás. O filme será gravado quase inteiramente em ambientes a céu aberto do Pantanal, Brasil, explorando a temática pantaneira dos Boiadeiros, completamente imersa ao seu redor.

Other Recent Works

For the objective, we make unremitting effort!

Root of Chinese

VANTs sobre o Rio Amazonas